
Web Browser alternatives

Web Browser alternatives

I do not use just one browser because I`m a web developer I must use it all and I dont classified my self as a chrome or firefox user. Dont forget one thing, something that is most popular like those 2 browser I mention, things are not that great.

So, if your favourite browser is Chrome then instead of him use Torch, it`s the same thing, using chrome engine but much better:

And if your using Firefox and have 64bit operating system I do not see why you would not use maybe the fastest browser in a world - Waterfox, no data collection, no adobe drm, a lot of under the hood changes and running every 64-Bit plugin and addon:

If you don like any of this browsers you can try Maxthon, my favourite alternative browser. It`s very fast and secure browser using his own engine with many new features:

Do not let the big companies rules you in the way they want, be smart and browse safely in the fastest way.


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